- How to Dress for White Tie
- How to Dress for Black Tie
- Creative Black Tie Formal & Black Tie Festive
- Black Tie Optional
- Business Formal
- Informal / Semi-formal / After Five
- Cocktail Attire Festive
- Festive Attire
- Business Casual
- Casual Attire
- Theme Party
- Resort & Evening Resort Attire
- Wedding Casual
- Fashion Faux Pas to Avoid
How to Dress for Festive Attire
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Dressing in festive attire is like dressing in cocktail attire but with a festive flair.
- What time of day is the party?
- What's the location?
- How many guests?
- Is it formal or informal?
This doesn't mean your thick Christmas scene cable knit sweater to dress up your jeans.
Festive Attire for Women
Add a bit of holiday color and sparkle or beading.
Nice black pants or simple black skirt with red silk blouse or cashmere sweater or sweater set, nice dressy flats or pull out these chic pumps.
Festive Attire for Men
Add some holiday color to your shirt, nice dark dress pants (usually stay away from khakis or light colors), nice leather shoes and socks, maybe red or green holiday pattern.
For evening and for warmth, a nice sport coat and leave the large cable knit sweaters in your closet.
Invitations for the Occasion:

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Creative Black Tie Formal and Black Tie Festive
Business Formal ♦ Informal / Semi-formal / After Five
Cocktail Attire and Cocktail Attire Festive ♦ Festive Attire
Business Casual ♦ Casual Attire ♦ Theme Party
Resort Attire and Evening Resort Attire ♦ Wedding Casual
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