What Type of Baby Shower Should you Have?
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It is preferable to mail baby shower invitations 3-4 weeks in advance of the party date, but even 2 weeks can be enough provided your most important guests (immediate family) know of the baby shower party date in advance and have marked their calendars.
Party Date:
Remember when selecting the date for your baby shower, babies do come early so don't wait too close to the anticipated due date or baby's untimely arrival may have you scrambling for a new date. See below for ideas on the different types of baby showers you may want to consider.
Ladies Only Baby Shower
Traditionally, baby showers have been for women only and usually in the home of the hostess. When planning a baby shower, consider a girls only baby shower where stories are told of pregnancy, labor and surviving the sleepless nights to come. A brunch, lunch or a tea are great options for afternoon baby showers. For evenings, you might consider a buffet or a sit down dinner at your home or a restaurant with a room large enough to accommodate your group.
Men too?
Couples baby showers are becoming more popular. Dad has been included in the pregnancy and labor classes, so why not include him in the baby shower too. Men also might enjoy reminiscing about their own experiences of being a new dad. Friday, Saturday nights or Sunday afternoon are good times for couples to clear their schedule to attend your party. A cookout or a buffet keeps guests circulating. A cocktail or hors d'oeuvres and dessert party early in the evening might be ideal.
Family Only Baby Shower
A baby shower for family only is a great excuse for a family reunion. If your family is scattered around the area or the country, you might want to consider having the shower after the birth of the baby so that everyone can see the new addition to the clan and enjoy a baby shower at the same time. There will be plenty of women glad to help hold and cuddle a new baby so the new mother can enjoy the day.
After the Birth Baby Shower
No more guessing, you know know it's a boy or girl and unisex gifts don't have to be the only option. An added bonus is showing off the new baby! It is a little harder to plan a baby shower for after the birth as babies don't always arrive on their due dates. Make the baby shower date for at least 4-6 weeks after the expected due date and even in the event the baby's two weeks overdue, your shower date should be okay. Just remember, the new parents will probably be sleep deprived so make the shower short and early in the day.
Office Party Baby Shower
A small pizza party-baby shower combo might be a fun way to shower a co-worker. Everyone pitches in for the food and even a group gift. Schedule the party before her maternity leave (some mom's change their mind and decide not to come back to work) in a restaurant, a corner of the company's lunch room or an after hours party when the office has cleared out.
Surprise Baby Shower
A fun way to surprise the mother-to-be is to make her believe she is attending something else. A lunch with the girls, meet at Sally's house to go to the movies, a shopping date with her sisters, you get the idea. The father-to-be can offer to drop her off and plan for someone else to bring her home. You'll definitely need the father-to-be or guest of honor's mother's help on this one so you, the party planner, aren't the one who ends up surprised if the guest of honor backs out at the last minute.
Sprinkle Baby Shower
If you're looking to welcome a second, third or fourth addition to the family, a “sprinkle” shower is a fun way to celebrate and sprinkle mom with the necessities instead of the huge event a first-time mom baby shower can be. You might want to set a list of items needed such as diapers and wipes; baby clothes (good idea if the baby is a different sex than the first child or born in the summer instead of the first baby born in the winter); meal delivery or take-out gift cards for the new family that will be too busy to cook; a gift for mom-to-be like a spa card, a mani and pedi before delivery.
Baby Shower Invitations
Whether your baby shower style is pregnant bellies, silhouettes, or just simply adorable, you'll love our collection of baby shower invitations. As your invitation sets the tone for your party, you can use a shower invitation that reflects the theme of the baby shower, whether it's a boy baby shower or a girl baby shower, the nursery theme or just a beautiful invitation that gets your guests excited about the party. You can use any card on our website for a baby shower invitation ... just change the wording!
Sit back, relax and enjoy browsing our invitations and announcements for all the events that are special to the birth of your baby.
Here are a few of our favorite invitations:

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