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Archive for the ‘Etiquette Challenge’ Category

Etiquette Challenge #8: Can you re-gift a birthday present?

Thursday, September 30th, 2010
Stars and Gift Boxes Invitation

Stars and Gift Boxes Invitation

You received two gifts for your birthday that are just not your style and you know you’ll probably never use them, even though they are of good quality and would be perfect for someone else to enjoy.

You have an aunt and a friend that have upcoming birthdays that would probably love these gifts. You don’t think they know the persons who gave you the gifts originally.

Is it okay to re-gift them your birthday presents?

Do you tell them it is a re-gift?

What if they want to exchange the gift for a different color or size and ask you for the receipt?

Is re-gifting a bad idea always?


Chime in and tell us what you think!

ETIQUETTE CHALLENGE #7: You post “RSVP to my invite” but everyone wasn’t invited!

Thursday, September 16th, 2010
Little Black Dress Party Invitation

Little Black Dress Party Invitation

You’ve spent lots of time and effort picking out and mailing the perfect invitations for your incredibly awesome event.  You breath a sign of relief and mentally go over all the details. You know people are slow to rsvp, if at all, so a few days after mailing the invitations, you decide to speed things along and send out a tweet or post to your Facebook account.

You carefully craft a message and post:  “I just sent out invitations to my fabulous party and you don’t want to miss it! Please RSVP ASAP”.

Mission accomplished.  Your guests will RSVP, your head count will be accurate, your budget on track and all’s well with the world, until…

O-H N-O!@!? You realize there are people on your Twitter or Facebook accounts that just got your post and they were NOT invited to your party!!!

What do you do?

Chime in and tell us what you’d do. What you wouldn’t do. What you’d do when the non-invited respond to your posts, “What party?”

ETIQUETTE CHALLENGE #6: What do you say when Karaoke performance stinks?

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Karaoke SingerYou finally said yes and went to Karaoke night with your friends.

When one of your friends finally makes it to the microphone and belts out her/his favorite tune…

And it was horrible…

What do you say when they ask what you thought of their performance?

Do you tell the truth?

Do you leave early pleading a long day tomorrow?

Do you join them on stage the next time?

Chime in and tell us what you think!

ETIQUETTE CHALLENGE #5: Lipstick on your Party Glass?

Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

Lipstick on GlassYou have this great new passionate pink lipstick that is just perfect with your outfit, but while at a cocktail party, every sip you take is leaving a pink lip print on your wine glass.

Do you keep wiping off the rim of your glass?

Does a glass with a rim of lipstick prints bother you when it’s yours? When it’s some one else’s?

If it transfers that easily to your glass, what do you do if you kiss someone?  Kiss and wipe, don’t kiss, make an excuse before you leave your mark?

Will you wear the lipstick again?

Chime in, tell us what you think!

ETIQUETTE CHALLENGE #4: When is it rude to “text?”

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

You’ve seen them, or maybe you’ll confess to being one – a person addicted to texting.

Is it rude to text while you are having a “face-to-face” conversation with someone else?

Is it rude to text while you’re checking out at a store?

Is it okay to text while driving?

Is it okay to text during a business meeting?

Do you or your kids text at the dinner table?

Where or when isn’t it okay to text?

Chime in, tell us what you think about texting and when it is just not appropriate.

Join the fun and give your opinion or send us your great etiquette question or challenge.

When is it rude to text?

ETIQUETTE CHALLENGE #3: Bridal registry on the wedding invite?

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010


You just received a friend’s beautiful wedding invitation and all the pieces that seem to be stuffed in with the invitation – the RSVP card, the directions to the ceremony and to the reception –  are all to be expected and are appreciated, but wait…

Also enclosed is a matching card listing five places the happy couple have registered for their upcoming wedding.

So, the big question:  “Is it tacky or ok to incude bridal registries with the wedding invitation?”

If you were not invited to a wedding shower or engagement party, how do you find out if or where the couple is registered if it is tacky to include it in with the wedding invitation?

Chime in, tell us how you feel, or send us your etiquette challenges.

The Etiquette Challenge is a regular blog feature we’ve brought over from our Facebook page (yes, we have a Facebook page, and we won’t ignore any friend requests!)

ETIQUETTE CHALLENGE #2: Can you ignore someone who friends you?

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010
Do you use Facebook?

Do you use Facebook?

Social media…are you using it or could you care less?  If you’re on Facebook,

  • can you ignore someone who friends you?
  • if they’re an old boyfriend/girlfriend, is it best to ignore them or do you let them back into your life?
  • what will your current significant other think if you friend an “x”?
  • do you friend your mother or ignore her?
  • how do you explain ignorning a friend request if your asked about it?

Chime in, tell us how you feel, email us other etiquette challenges.

The Etiquette Challenge is a regular blog feature we’ve brought over from our Facebook page (yes, we have a Facebook page, and we won’t ignore any friend requests!)

Etiquette Challenge #1: Talking on cell phones when…

Sunday, August 1st, 2010
Etiquette Challenge #1: Cell Phone Talker

Etiquette Challenge #1: Cell Phone Talker

Is it ok to talk on your cell phone while you’re getting your hair done, ordering food, standing in line at the bank, casually strolling the racks at a trendy boutique?

We’ve all been there.  You’re in a public place and your attention is snagged by a  person’s personal cell phone conversation and you:

  • Try to ignore it
  • Silently fume while sending them dirty looks
  • Move closer to eavesdrop
  • They guy on phone is cute, so it’s ok
  • The girl on the phone is so snotty you wish you could disconnect her call
  • They are talking way too loudly for the surroundings
  • You leave
  • You complain to your friend
  • You complain to a manger

What would you do? What do you think? What have you done in the past? When is it never ok to talk on a cell phone? Chime in, tell us how you feel, email us other etiquette challenges.

The Etiquette Challenge is a regular blog feature we’ve brought over from our Facebook page.

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