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Why Are All My Thoughts In Blog Titles?

Sunday, January 13th, 2013

Seriously? Why Are All My Thoughts In Blog Titles? (and what category do I pin this to?)A funny thing happened on the way to making my blog more personal.  All my thoughts turned into blog titles! Really! Big, flashing, titles in all caps!

Seriously. I’d have a thought and would immediately think “I need to write that down. That could be the title of my next post that will go viral!”

As the owner of a business, a blogger, a Facebooker (is that a word yet?), a Tweeter, a Pinner, every waking thought — and a few dreams — become targets for the next big post that will draw hundreds of thousands of clicks and comments to my website that will raise my Goggle Page Rank and hopefully, my sales, and the word “V – I – R – A – L” appears in flashing neon lights somewhere off to the right of my line of sight in purple neon tubing.

Just this morning while I was busy pinning away on my Pinterest account from my iPad while still laying in bed watching the sun come up, I wondered, “What time do Pinners start Pinning?” as no one had repinned any of my stuff in the past hour…then, Oh! that could be the title to my next post (so don’t steal it before I have it written, please.)

I mean why do we all do it all? “It” uses up a TON of time we could be doing other things, like reading the next up-in-coming chick lit best seller, painting our nails, cleaning the kitchen…NOT. What drives us to blog, to pin, to post to think in Blog Titles or Post Titles or Pins?

Please leave me a comment and let me know why you do what you do so I have some more justifications for doing all this and my hopes for viral blog titles might become a reality. And while you’re here, would you mind shopping or browsing our party invitations, party favors, note cards…?

P.S.  I think the pinners are awake and pinning as I now have 3 more Pinterest followers in the time it took to wrote this post…thanks!

Pink Valentine’s Day Brownies

Saturday, January 12th, 2013

Valentine's Day Pink Brownies

I LOVE brownies and pink brownies for Valentine’s Day are an unexpected twist friends and kids will love.

1 box strawberry cake mix
2 eggs
1/3 cup oil

Mix ingredients together and spread in a greased 9″ x 13″ pan.  The dough will be thick and will spread thin in the pan. Bake at 350 for 14 minutes and test for doneness by a toothpick inserted in the center coming out clean. For pink brownie glaze, mix 1 cup powdered sugar with 2 tablespoons milk or water. Pour over warm brownies.  Enjoy!

Please come back and leave us a comment if you made these…we’d love to hear from you!

(Sent to us by a fan from her Pinterest post)

Have You Ordered Super Bowl Invitations?

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

Superbowl Invitations

If you want a great turnout for your Super Bowl party, mail fabulous invitations to your guests to show your party is the place to be!

Once your invitations are in the mail, it’s time to work on the food, drinks and decor.

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Gin Martinis and Bikini Waxing

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

Gin Martinis and a Windy Waxing StoryThere’s a story going around Facebook and Pinterest about a poor woman who decided to do a “full” bikini waxing. At home. By herself. OMG. Yes, it’s hilarious and as stories like this do, they make me laugh, cry, smile and shake my head at what we do in the name of beauty.

So, here’s my story that I hope it will go viral on Pinterest or Facebook or both or at least garner a few blog post comments if you laughed at least once.

A few years ago, my sister and I went out after work for Bombay Martinis in honor of our Dad’s birthday. Neither one of us had ever had gin (beyond a sip to know we don’t like it) until the night our father died and we toasted him with his favorite drink – a gin Martini – mom always ate the olives. It actually tasted pretty good that night and I’m sure Dad had something to do with that.

So on our night out in his honor, after toasting to our father, reminiscing about him and our childhood and another round of martinis on their way, the mood needed to be lightened.

After the waitress departed and we clinked our glasses in toast once more, I remembered a story I had read in Health magazine. It was just the story to lighten the mood and the gin was kicking in. Just remembering it to tell it had me laughing so hard, I could barely repeat it through the giggles and the “funny tears” streaming down my face.

So here goes…the story was entitled “A Windy Waxing”

“I’m lactose intolerant, but I just can’t kick my cheese and chocolate milk cravings. The unfortunate result of my dairy binging is usually gas, but I consider myself something of a flatulence ninja because I’m a pro at concealing it. That wasn’t the case, though, when I recently went in for a bikini wax after a night of lactose gluttony. I wanted the full monty, so when the aesthetician was done with my front, she made me flip over on all fours. As she smeared wax in the most nether regions of my behind, I just couldn’t hold it in any longer and accidentally let one rip right in the poor woman’s face. If that wasn’t enough, I fell down laughing, which made my butt cheeks stick together from the wax, so the aesthetician had to separate them and re-apply. Let’s just say she got a very big–and (well deserved) tip. — Sasha, Sheboygan, Wisc.”

To Sasha, I just want to say, my sister and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making us cry for a good ten minutes from laughter instead of from sadness. So happy birthday Dad, and cheers to Sasha for making women everywhere “crack” up with laughter. Leave us a comment and share this with every woman you know. Laughter is the best medicine, no matter what ails you.

Still laughing…

Was the First Week of 2013 a Bust?

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

Ok. It’s Sunday night. January 6th. It’s just hours away from the start of the 7th day of the first week of the new year. I’m trying to decide if I’ve already wasted 140 hours or was I just thinking about how to start 2013. Here are some random thoughts:Happy 2013

  1. I’ve read all these great blog posts that recapped 2012 month by month. I decided I was so glad 2012 was gone, I don’t want to relive it even to blog about it.
  2. I did not to make any New Year’s resolutions. Oh, well. I never wrote them down and rarely gave them a second thought after the initial thought was formed. (Sorry, Dr. Oz.)
  3. I tried to come up with intentions instead (thanks, Pat! my friend since I was 15) and failed.
  4. I tried to come up with one word to summarize my hopes/dreams/aspirations/etc. for 2013 and couldn’t narrow it down to one word.
  5. I will find my perspective. I got that from a commercial and I’m still trying to figure out what it means.
  6. I need to schedule digital detox time. (That excludes texting my son who is in college 15 hours away!)
  7. How can I run on-line “digital” businesses while digitally detoxing?
  8. Would online ignorance lead to real life bliss?
  9. I refuse to get addicted to my new iPhone (my son’s old phone when he got my upgrade, hmmmm), once I learn how to work it
  10. I realized that even though I’ve been blogging for years, I must not be blogging “right.” Where are the people that were supposed to flock to my blogs and comment, comment, comment?
  11. I need to improve my blog post titles.
  12. I need to write more personal blog posts.
  13. Does anyone read my blog? Ever? (Thanks sis, I know you tune in.)
  14. In two weeks, when I’m over my broken foot (from gracefully falling down my stairs a few weeks ago), I will start, again, to exercise.
  15. I will loose my pregnancy weight (Hah! I’ll let you in on the joke – my son is now 22)
  16. Fat is an adjective (Al Rocker says so.)
  17. I will start juicing … again. It works.
  18. I will get more sleep (without sleeping later and hitting the snooze.)
  19. I will make my bed every morning. Yesterday I decided that did not include weekends.
  20. Work on procrastination. After 12 years, I managed to buy (on sale!) and get my husband to hang, drapes in our den.
  21. This post could go on forever, but it’s time for The Good Wife.

So, how have the first six days of the new year been for you? Let me know…please…comment, comment, comment.

Super Bowl Party Invitations & Food

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

Super Bowl Party Invitations and Favorite Foods

Super Bowl parties are fun for everyone whether you’re watching the game or catching the commercials. Mail out Super Bowl Party Invitations for a fabulous party turnout.

Photos from top left: Pomegranate Glazed Sausage BitsSpicy Chili Cheese Dogs, Baked Buffalo WingsBean Dip, Food Ref Super Bowl Party Invitations, Nacho Potato SkinsPulled Pork SandwichesGuiltless Guacamole,  Watermelon Football Helmet

Favorite Finds for Mardi Gras

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

Favorite Mardi Gras Ideas

Whether you get to attend Mardi Gras, throw your own party, or attend a Mardi Gras party – the next best thing to being there – here are some of our favorite Mardi Gras things to get your party started.

Mardi Gras photos from top left:  Crawfish DipMardi Gras Cupcakes, Shimmery Cupcake WrappersMardi Gras Macaroons, Hat on Silver Face Mardi Gras Invitations, Show Us Your Beads Mardi Gras InvitationsBlack & Silver Half Mask Mardi Gras, High Gloss Party Favor BoxesMardi Gras Door, Hurricane Cocktail RecipeMardi Gras GumboMardi Gras Nail Polish

Mardi Gras Hurricane Cocktail Recipe

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

Mardi Gras Hurricane Cocktail Recipe |

Pat O’Brien’s in New Orleans famous French Quarter, created the Hurricane Cocktail, a rum based drink that packs a pretty good punch. It goes down real easy (I have personal experience with these at Pat O’Brien’s, but that’s another story.) Great drink for your Mardi Gras Party!


Mardi Gras Revelers are painting the town New Orleans style while they hide behind their Mardi Gras masks enjoying their cocktails and collecting lots of prized mardi gras beads. Come see all our Mardi Gras Party Invitations at

Hurricane Cocktail Recipe

1.5 oz amaretto liqueur
1 oz light rum
1 oz dark rum
6 oz orange juice
6 oz pineapple juice
1 tsp lemon juice
1 dash grenadine syrup
orange or pineapple slices for garnish
1 maraschino cherry


  • Fill a tall (approx 16 oz) glass with ice.
  • Pour in the amaretto and light and dark rums.
  • Next, add the orange juice, pineapple juice, and lemon juice. Stir, then top with a dash of grenadine and garnish with an orange slice or pineapple wedge and a cherry.

Glitter Fleur de Lis on Harlequin Mardi Gras Party Invitations | See the entire collection at

If you’re thinking of serving champagne for your party, you might want to try French 75 cocktails – a combination of Champagne, Gin, simple syrup and lemon juice.

Carnival Black Mask Mardi Gras Party Invitations | See the entire collection at

Shop Mardi Gras Party Invitations


Crockpot Beer & Cheddar Chicken Tacos

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

This recipe is fabulous for a family dinner or to serve at a party. This makes a delicious dish for Super Bowl or other party where grazing and lots of finger foods are great for hours of munching.

Crockpot Beer & Cheddar Chicken Tacos

Perfect recipe for Taco Tuesday, too!

Winter Chop Chop Salad

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

Winter Chop Chop Salad

A winter salad that is as pretty as it is tasty and healthy. This makes a great lunch, dinner or a beautiful salad to take to a pot luck or get together. I’m thinking about making it for our Super Bowl party.


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