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Archive for the ‘General Info’ Category

What is a Party Invitation Rain Date?

Friday, March 6th, 2015

Chic Palm Trees Summer All White Party Invitations“It can’t rain!”

Has the weather ever been a factor when you’re planning a party or other activity?

Our native California employees all say “What’s a rain date?” when a customer submits that phrase on their invitation order.

So, what is a rain date?

It’s an alternative date that an event will be held if the scheduled event must be postponed due to rain or bad weather.

So, if at the bottom of an invitation you find “Rain date is April 9th,” don’t forget to mark your calendar for both the party date and the rain date. If bad weather looms the morning of the party, you might want to check with the hostess if she hasn’t called you.

We know, somebody has to live here in Southern California where weather really isn’t a factor when we’re planning our lives or activities. As the country looks forward to the first days of spring, we’ve been creating fabulous invitations that put you in the mood to party!

So rain or shine, have a great time at your next party and let us know if we can help you with party invitations!

13 Things to NEVER Put on an Invitation

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

13 Things that should never be on a Party Invitation by

With today’s “anything goes” attitudes, there are still some traditional rules that should be followed.  This is especially true when creating party invitations for any occasion.

Here are 13 things that should NEVER be on party invitations:

1.  Tense:  Invitations are always versed in third person.  Use “Anderson Marketing invites you to their annual barbecue…”, “at their house…” Never use “our,” “mine” or first person.

2.  Punctuation:  Invitations use line breaks or blank space between paragraphs to act as punctuation and periods are never used.  Exception is when using a poem, quote or saying. Be sure to go lightly with the commas, exclamation points and when in doubt, leave it out.

3. Capitalization:  Never use capital letters for the first letter of each and every word on an invitation.  Save the capitals for the beginning of a section or the first word of each line, proper names and other words that are normally capitalized. Use a bold or a larger font for emphasis, not all caps.

4. Abbreviations: Always spell out Street, Road, Apartment and names of States. The state is not required if all your guests are local or the state is  obvious with cities like Chicago, Atlanta, New York. Numbers 1-9 should always be spelled out such as “Two Park Place.”

5.  Time:  The word “o’clock” is never capitalized. It is also never used after a time that is not a whole hour.  Use five o’clock, not 5:30 o’clock. When using anything but whole hours, use uncapitalized a.m. or p.m. (with periods). If you add “in the morning” that applies from 12:01 a.m. until noon; “in the afternoon” from noon until six p.m.; and six p.m. and after “in the evening.”

6. Registry/Gifts: Never indicate that money is preferred over gifts. Never include any gift registry information.  This information should be relayed when guests call to RSVP or by word of mouth from the family if asked. Never state anything about gifts – even “no gifts” as it makes the assumption that gifts are expected.

7.  Meal Choices:  If your party or event requires guests to make meal choices, include this information on a separate insert card, response card  or RSVP card.

8. Directions:  Never include driving directions or maps on the invitation. This information should always be included on a separate card. Do not use photocopied maps. Any maps or directions should be printed in the same style and on the same paper as your invitations when possible.

Red Golf Bag Party Invitations from

9. Zip Codes:  Zip codes are never printed on invitations. They are not necessary to get directions on website mapping services.

10.  Sizes/Measurements:  This information is personal and a bride or guest of honor may not want these stats printed for all to see.  Measurements or clothing sizes should be relayed by word of mouth when guests respond to the party invitations.

11. Children:  Do not use the phrase “no children” or “adults only.” How you address your envelope indicates who is invited and not invited to the party. If children are not listed on the envelope, they are not invited to the party.  When guests RSVP and add names or guests that are not invited, politely tell them or call them right away and explain who is invited.  If you think someone will automatically bring their children, consider calling them and state simply that as much as you would like to accommodate children, you simply don’t have the room to do so.

12. Attire:  Usually your invitations will be an indication of the attire for the party. The fancier the invitation, the fancier the dress. An invitation to a outdoor barbecue has it’s own implied dress code and a wedding invitation with multiple insert cards will obviously be a dressy, if not formal event. If your event is a costume party and costumes are required, this should be included, possibly in a small font on the bottom or as “You’re invited to a Halloween Costume Party…” Check out our Party Dress Codes for ideas on how to dress for all social occasions.

13. Labels:  If at all possible, never use address labels on invitation envelopes. Absolutely NEVER use labels on wedding invitation envelopes for guests or for your return address.  You’ve spent time, attention and money to create perfect invitations and they deserve hand-written addresses on the envelopes. This will make a HUGE impact on your guests when they receive your invitations in the mail.

There is nothing wrong with do-it-yourself invitations, but NEVER send anything that looks homemade.  A laundry list of facts and clip art on copy paper will not impress your guests and your turnout could suffer.  Generally, you will save money by letting the experts — invitation printers and hopefully us — do your invitations. This is our area of expertise and you won’t have to spend time and money experimenting until you get it right.

Shop Kentucky Derby Party Invitations

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Stylized Red Roses Derby Party Invitations

Saturday, January 24th, 2015

The Kentucky Derby is frequently referred to as “The Run for the Roses.” The winner of the race is awarded a blanket of 554 red roses and a trophy by the Governor of Kentucky. The Stylized Red Roses Derby Party Invitations features roses with a fresh, modern look and are a fun way to invite your guests to join you in sampling southern fare, mint juleps and of course, watching the Kentucky Derby race.

Stylized Roses Derby Party Invitations

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Featured Announcingit invitation:  Stylized Roses | You might also like: What do you need for a Kentucky Derby Party? | Mint Julep Brownies Recipe | Kentucky Country Ham Salad Recipe | How to Play Horseshoes

Time to Order Super Bowl Party Invitations

Sunday, January 18th, 2015

By now, we know who will be playing in Super Bowl.  Are you having a party?  Get the gang together on Super Bowl Sunday to watch the game or to watch the commercials. Everybody is a football fan, at least on this one afternoon. Invite guests to wear their favorite team jerseys, bring their favorite dish to share, stock up on beverages and turn on the big screen. This is one party that almost runs itself!

Super Bowl Party Invitations

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Featured Announcingit invitations:  Cactus Super Bowl | Stripes and Football | Super Bowl Showdown | Football Uprights | Tackled Super Bowl

Show Us Your Beads Mardi Gras Invitations

Saturday, January 17th, 2015

If you can’t make it to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, do the next best thing and throw a party! And, if your crowd loves a rowdy night of revelry, this Show Us Your Beads invitation will delight them.

Show Us Your Beads Mardi Gras Party Invitations

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Featured Announcingit invitation:  Show Us Your Beads | Shop all Mardi Gras Invitations | Shop all Invitations


Southwest Super Bowl Party Invitations

Friday, January 16th, 2015

If you’re looking for a fun theme for your Super Bowl Party, why not a “Nacho Ordinary” Southwest themed party? Mexican food is always a hit. Ask guests to bring their favorite appetizer to share, you set up a do-it-yourself-taco or chili bar, and it’s time to party!

Cactus Southwest Super Bowl Party Invitations

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Featured Announcingit invitation: Cactus Super Bowl | Shop all Super Bowl Invitations | Shop all Invitations

Corporate Christmas Party Invitations Show You Care

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014

In the digital age in which we live, it very easy to shoot a text, compose a quick email or send an eCard for an upcoming holiday event.

There is no argument that Americans are busy. Those that work in corporate America can spend 60, 70 or even 80 hours in the office every single week. Sometimes it is hard to get three meals in before laying down to bed at night. That said, there are plenty of ways to show someone that you care.

One of the best ways to do so is to send a physical paper Christmas Party Invitation. You’ll find we have lots of designs available including Christmas tree invitations, candy cane martini invitations, red nutcracker invitations, eggnog cups invitations and various Christmas ornaments invitations. 

With everyone having cell phones, laptops, and other devices, it is easy to send a last minute invitation or card. While this is an option, an electronic invite often does not lead to a large turnout for a Christmas party or holiday event as it can get stuck in spam filters or considered junk mail. 

There is no mistaking the fact that millions of people check their email on a consistent basis, but not all email is read.

With Google’s automatic filtering of your email into multiple inboxes – Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates and Spam – it’s hard to know where your holiday email will end up. A large percentage of email users allow the non-priority messages to sit unread for weeks, months and sometimes forever.

When sending a Christmas card invitation via email there is a high likelihood that it will be sent to the promotions inbox. From personal experience, I have noticed that the promotions inbox is full of emails from retailers or companies that are just trying to sell me an item, and often, for something I’m not interested in. Less than 10% of the time do I actually read an email that has been placed in this particular inbox.

If an eCard does not come into my primary inbox, there is a very strong possibility that it will never be opened. 

Another issue with sending corporate Christmas invitations through email is the fact that the email software sees a corporate email address and the subject line will likely be eCard, Card or invitation. This sometimes triggers the spam filter and that email user may never know they were invited to the event.

The first step to having a successful Christmas party is taking the time to mail a beautiful invitation to your guests.


Shop Holiday Christmas Party Invitations at

15 Professional Planning Tips for Corporate Events

Saturday, August 2nd, 2014

One of the hardest events for most people to plan are corporate events. Even smaller events, for less than a couple hundred people, can be a real challenge if you are not a professional party planner. However, here are fifteen tips you can use to make your corporate party or corporate event a success:

1.  Always take the time to plan ahead. If you will be renting a special venue you will need to secure it as far in advance as possible. Some places can book up even a year in advance. By finding your venue early, and placing your deposit, you can ensure that you get the venue that you want.

2.  When you are planning a corporate event you need to set a very strict working budget and then make sure that you have extra cash for the unexpected expenses. You can be sure that every event will have some unexpected extra expenses, that is just simply part of planning an event.

3.  If you have contracts, agreements, lists, or seating charts, make sure you keep extra copies of them in case they are misplaced or lost. Copying them is very simple and quick and can really save you later on if you loose your plans.

Corporate Party Invitation-Silver and Black

4.  Make sure you send out your invitations at least 3 to 4 weeks ahead of your event. If it is a holiday event or you know the date you’ve selected might be in high demand, consider sending out Save the Date cards a few months in advance of hour party.  Make sure that you ask your guests to RSVP so that you know how many people will be attending.   Don’t use “Regrets Only” if you need a reliable head count.  Plan on calling the last rsvp holdouts too so you’re not surprised by extra attendees.

5.  If you are creating a seating chart for your event, you can either set it up completely randomly or work with someone else in your company to come up with the best possible scenario to avoid faux paus in your seating choices.


Mason Jar Party Invitations

Friday, August 1st, 2014

Mason Jars have become so popular, you can find them used in traditional ways as well as fun and decorative ways.  We love them used as cocktail glasses and adore them hanging from flowering tree branches as shown in our Purple, Green or Tiffany Mason Jar Party Invitations printed on Shimmery White Paper and matching envelopes. Just change the wording to fit your occasion and your guests will love them!

Mason Jar Party Invitations

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Featured Announcingit invitations: Tree of Purple Mason Jars | Tree of Green Mason Jars | Tree of Blue Mason Jars | Shop all Bridal Shower Invitations | Shop all Wedding Event Invitations | Shop all Invitations

Summer Party Invitations

Tuesday, May 27th, 2014

Summer Party Invitations

Summer party invitations are the best way to get the gang together for anything from a casual barbecue to a graduation party, wedding shower, engagement party, 4th of July picnic and more.

Show guests you care by mailing them a fabulous summer themed party invitation they can’t say no to!

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