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Corporate Christmas Party Invitations Show You Care

In the digital age in which we live, it very easy to shoot a text, compose a quick email or send an eCard for an upcoming holiday event.

There is no argument that Americans are busy. Those that work in corporate America can spend 60, 70 or even 80 hours in the office every single week. Sometimes it is hard to get three meals in before laying down to bed at night. That said, there are plenty of ways to show someone that you care.

One of the best ways to do so is to send a physical paper Christmas Party Invitation. You’ll find we have lots of designs available including Christmas tree invitations, candy cane martini invitations, red nutcracker invitations, eggnog cups invitations and various Christmas ornaments invitations. 

With everyone having cell phones, laptops, and other devices, it is easy to send a last minute invitation or card. While this is an option, an electronic invite often does not lead to a large turnout for a Christmas party or holiday event as it can get stuck in spam filters or considered junk mail. 

There is no mistaking the fact that millions of people check their email on a consistent basis, but not all email is read.

With Google’s automatic filtering of your email into multiple inboxes – Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates and Spam – it’s hard to know where your holiday email will end up. A large percentage of email users allow the non-priority messages to sit unread for weeks, months and sometimes forever.

When sending a Christmas card invitation via email there is a high likelihood that it will be sent to the promotions inbox. From personal experience, I have noticed that the promotions inbox is full of emails from retailers or companies that are just trying to sell me an item, and often, for something I’m not interested in. Less than 10% of the time do I actually read an email that has been placed in this particular inbox.

If an eCard does not come into my primary inbox, there is a very strong possibility that it will never be opened. 

Another issue with sending corporate Christmas invitations through email is the fact that the email software sees a corporate email address and the subject line will likely be eCard, Card or invitation. This sometimes triggers the spam filter and that email user may never know they were invited to the event.

The first step to having a successful Christmas party is taking the time to mail a beautiful invitation to your guests.


Shop Holiday Christmas Party Invitations at

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