This amazing Creme Brulee Fudge will be a favorite to serve to guests or wrap up for treats to give away. Incredibly tasty and wonderfully different.
5 oz evaporated milk
4 Tbs. butter
2 cups of sugar
3/4 cup white marshmallows
1/2 cup white chocolate chips
1. Line a loaf pan with foil and using a pastry brush, brush a flavorless oil (eg rice bran, grapeseed or a mild olive oil) on the base and sides of the foil. In a large heavy based saucepan on low heat, dissolve sugar with milk and butter. Clip the sugar thermometer to the pan Increase heat to just below medium. Whilst stirring wait until the mixture reaches 238F/118°C (soft ball stage). Be patient, it takes about 10 minutes and the thermometer will sit on 220-230 for what seems like forever. You may get little caramelized bits floating to the top. Turn down the heat a little if there are too many.
2. Remove from heat and immediately stir in chocolate chips and marshmallows. Stir with wooden spoon to smooth out mixture. Immediately place in prepared pan (it sets relatively quickly).
3. While still in pan but set, sprinkle some sugar on top and blowtorch. Cut into squares when completely set using a lightly oiled knife.

Tags: Candy, Christmas Treats, Fudge Recipes, holiday hostess gifts