Trick or Treating, like Halloween, can be traced back to All Souls Day, a long time ago. The poor people would go out at night to people’s homes begging and the people would give them treats called soul cakes. Times changed and the children became the beggars. As they went to different houses, they would be given fruit, bread, and maybe money.
When the custom came to America, children would be given candy as it was also tradition that if a child was not given something, the child would play a trick on them, such as egging their house.
With the traditional door to door trick or treating not being as safe as it once was, why not send your child’s friends a halloween invitation to gather at your home for candy, games, fun and a costume contest.
If you do send your little goblins out trick or treating, here are a few safety tips to follow:
Tips for Children:
- Follow the road rules, cross only at corners
- If there are parked cars, do not cross between them
- Walk the opposite direction that the traffic is going
- Never wear your mask when you cross the street, always take it off
- Always watch out for cars that may be backing out or turning around
- NEVER go to or into someone’s house you don’t know
Tips for Adults:
- Know where your child will be going and the route they are taking
- Make sure that there is an adult with the children
- Know if your child will be going to other activities
- Have a curfew set for your child to be home
- Tell your child that there is a difference between tricking and vandalizing
- Tell your child to not eat their candy before you inspect it
Costume Rules:
- Make sure that the costume is not flammable
- Make sure that the costume is brightly colored or if it is dark, iron on some reflective strips so they can be seen by street lights and car lights, and carry a flashlight
- Do not include high heeled shoes or long costumes that the child may trip over
For family fun for everyone, Mom and Dad should catch the spirit of the holiday and dress up too!
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