If you believe in such things, the Farmers’ Almanac predicts a winter storm will hit New York – New Jersey February 2, 2014. Snow in February, not unusual. Snow on the East Coast, not unusual.
The part that makes this prediction noteworthy is that the storm is supposed to hit around kick off time of Super Bowl XLVIII being held at the “open” MetLife Stadium. OK, so you’re thinking you’re glad you didn’t buy your ticket to be there in person, but there’s more to it than just crowding around the big screen and watching the game with your rowdy friends in a heated living room or bar.
It was announced on December 18th by the NFL, that in the event of a forecast of heavy snow, the game would be rescheduled for the Saturday before, or for the Monday or Tuesday after.
I don’t know if it’s just me, but how do you schedule something for the “Saturday before” based on something that hasn’t or won’t happen until Sunday? What if it is still snowing or the blizzard continues raging Monday or Tuesday? What constitutes a blizzard severe enough to affect kickoff? How does the NFL let everyone know the date’s been changed? What if you’re flying in on Saturday and the game’s played while you’re in the air?
I could go on and on, but the most important question to those of us without tickets to this “freeze your tush off bowl”, how do we schedule our warm, indoor party if there is really a chance this thing won’t happen on Sunday the 2nd?
This is not like a rain date for a kid’s birthday party. We talking major logistic issues for everyone involved from the beer salesman and the ticket takers to the fact that most ticket holders and party-goers probably have jobs and will be on the job Monday or Tuesday. I wonder how many reserved their hotel rooms through Tuesday or booked airline tickets for such a contingency plan?
Let us know what you’ve got planned for Super Bowl “sure hope it stays” Sunday or what your crazy question is.
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