Announcingit - Invitation Shop

ETIQUETTE CHALLENGE #2: Can you ignore someone who friends you?

Do you use Facebook?

Do you use Facebook?

Social media…are you using it or could you care less?  If you’re on Facebook,

  • can you ignore someone who friends you?
  • if they’re an old boyfriend/girlfriend, is it best to ignore them or do you let them back into your life?
  • what will your current significant other think if you friend an “x”?
  • do you friend your mother or ignore her?
  • how do you explain ignorning a friend request if your asked about it?

Chime in, tell us how you feel, email us other etiquette challenges.

The Etiquette Challenge is a regular blog feature we’ve brought over from our Facebook page (yes, we have a Facebook page, and we won’t ignore any friend requests!)

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2 Responses to “ETIQUETTE CHALLENGE #2: Can you ignore someone who friends you?”

  1. Alicia Hill says:

    Can you ignore someone who friends you? YUP YOU SURE CAN.
    Do you let Ex back into your life? yes you can be friends with an ex if you guys are both fine with not being together and know that you are ONLY friends and nothing else, unless of course you both want to start over, but one can not want it and the other not want and still be friends.
    What would my significant other think about being friends with an ex? refer to question above, if it is truely only a friendship and no furthur attraction then who cares, friends will be friends.
    Friend your mother or ignore her? You friend your mother always and forever…. YOU ONLY HAVE ONE MOM!!
    how do you explain ignoring a friend request if you are asked about it? If youre going to ignore then you better have enough guts to explain why you did it….BE HONEST

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