Announcingit - Invitation Shop

ETIQUETTE CHALLENGE #7: You post “RSVP to my invite” but everyone wasn’t invited!

Little Black Dress Party Invitation

Little Black Dress Party Invitation

You’ve spent lots of time and effort picking out and mailing the perfect invitations for your incredibly awesome event.  You breath a sign of relief and mentally go over all the details. You know people are slow to rsvp, if at all, so a few days after mailing the invitations, you decide to speed things along and send out a tweet or post to your Facebook account.

You carefully craft a message and post:  “I just sent out invitations to my fabulous party and you don’t want to miss it! Please RSVP ASAP”.

Mission accomplished.  Your guests will RSVP, your head count will be accurate, your budget on track and all’s well with the world, until…

O-H N-O!@!? You realize there are people on your Twitter or Facebook accounts that just got your post and they were NOT invited to your party!!!

What do you do?

Chime in and tell us what you’d do. What you wouldn’t do. What you’d do when the non-invited respond to your posts, “What party?”

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