It’s never too late to start a birthday tradition with your child. Do you remember something fun from birthdays when you were a child? Why not start a tradition you and your child can look forward to year after year.
- Let them pick out their birthday party invitations, decorations and food to be served, even if it’s just a party with family as the guests.
- Let them help make or decorate their birthday cake or cupcakes the night before their birthday.
- Wake them up by singing “Happy Birthday” and throw in some hugs and tickles to start off their special day.
- Fill their room with their favorite color balloons (make sure they are old enough for the balloons not to be a hazard.)
- Create a treasure hunt for little birthday goodies you’ve hidden around the house or in their room.
- Let them choose their favorite breakfast. If they choose something besides cereal, put candles in it if possible.
- Let them choose their favorite restaurant or dinner for the whole family to enjoy together that night.
- Put a special note or birthday card in their school lunch.
- Give them a few “love coupons” that entitle them to something they love – popcorn and an extra half hour of TV before bed; pancakes on a Saturday morning; extended play date at their favorite little gym or the park.
- Plant a tree or a plant.
- Create a time capsule. Ask your child several questions, video tape their answers and then store the tapes away in a special box to be opened later, maybe at their 21st birthday. (You might want to transfer to DVD to survive the years.)
- Make a scrap book of birthday cards they receive every year.
Do you have a favorite birthday tradition? We’d love to hear from you.
Click here to shop all our Kid’s Birthday Invitations

Wow! What a concept! Lovely .. Amazing
Great site! I come here all of the time! Keep up the great work!
Wow! What a concept! Lovely .. Amazing